Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Relaxing ride

If you took a ride this fall at the right time, you saw some beautiful fall foliage. Scenic roads cover lots of different views. I enjoy them all! I love the water (ocean or river). I love fields and mountains too! Growing up in Kansas, I recall the "amber waves of grain" but unfortunately, I didn't take a picture to share.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners
Habit 1--Begin with the end in mind.
Habit 2--Accept responsibility for your own learning.'
Habit 3--View problems as challenges.
Habit 4--Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
Habit 5--Create your own learning toolbox.
Habit 6--Use technology to your advantage.
Habit 7--Teach/mentor others.
Habait 7 1/2--Play!

a As I understand it, my assignment is to let you know about the hardiest and easiest of the 7 1/2 habits for me.
a Well, hopefully you have picked up on the fact that I like to play and have fun! Did you figure out that the 7 1/2 habits are listed above in the Webdings font? I love using different fonts and different colors because I think it's fun and learning should be enjoyable.
a So the easiest of the habits for me is
  • PLAY
  • but I also enjoy problem solving,
  • creating ways to learn (toolbox)
  • and sharing my experiences with others.

aI guess the hardest part is using of the technology to best advantage because I haven't taken the time to really become familar with it. So I'm excited about NetTrek because I expect to learn lots and have fun doing so.

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners
Habit 1--Begin with the end in mind.
Habit 2--Accept responsibility for your own learning.
Habit 3--View problems as challenges.
Habit 4--Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
Habit 5--Create your own learning toolbox.
Habit 6--Use technology to your advantage.
Habit 7--Teach/mentor others.
Habit 7 1/2--Play!

Working at a public library is a great career for someone who loves to learn! You are exposed to so many different ideas and for me, it doesn't take much to capture my interest and then begin the trek toward learning about the idea. I love reading--what a concept that someone who works in a library enjoys reading, right? And I learn a lot from reading fiction. I read romances and they really do have a lot of information. You can learn about how different people live and how they interact with others. You can learn about places that you know and more often places you don't know. You really can be an armchair traveler just by reading romances. If you read historical romances, you learn a lot about how things were during the time period you are reading about and the romance authors will tell you that their readers don't let them get away with not getting it right!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I enjoyed the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learning and find learning usually has a fun side! Learning about blogging is exciting but I have already experienced some obstacles, detours or road blocks on this road to learning. For instance, I created a Google account but when I tried to access it, it didn't accept my password! I tried again and again it didn't take it. I took a detour away from blogging and when I returned, I found I was logged into Goggle! The road continues to provide a bumpy ride for this cab ride, but I'll keep moving along and let you share in my experience!